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Environmental Appraisal

Environmental Appraisal is the process of identifying opportunities and threats facing an organization. Concept of EnvironmentEnvironment. literally means the surroundings, external objects, influences or circumstances under which someone or something exists.

what are the factors affecting environmental appraisal? Strategist related factors – Since strategist play a central role in formulation of strategies ,there characteristics such as age, education, experience, motivation, cognitive styles ,ability to withstand time pressure and responsibility have an impact to the extent to which they are able to appraise the environment.

Project appraisal is the process of assessing, in a structured way, the case for proceeding with a project or proposal, or the project's viability. It often involves comparing various options, using economic appraisal or some other decision analysis technique.


Why environmental analysis and appraisal is important?

An environmental analysis in plays an essential role in business management by providing possible opportunities or threats outside the company in its external environment. The purpose of an environmental analysis is to help to develop a plan by keeping decision-makers within an organization.

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