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Harold Koontz has developed a concept of managerial appraisal i.e., appraising managers. According to this concept the managers attain the organizational objectives by performing the basic managerial functions, viz., planning, organizing, leading, motivating, staffing and controlling. Each of these functions can be performed by performing a number of or series of activities.

For example, performing staffing function requires performing a series of activities like analyzing jobs of his department, planning for human resources, deciding upon internal and external recruitment, developing sources and recruitment techniques. Thus, each function and sub-function of manager is elaborated into a series of activities. These activities, in this model are taken as behavior and standards of performance. The checklist containing the questions in these areas is prepared with a five degree rating scale, i.e., extremely poor performance, neither poor nor fair performance and extremely fair performance.

The appraisers rate performance of managers by assessing weights to the scale and appraise only those areas which are clear and are supported by adequate knowledge. Thus, this technique measures the performance of managers in managing organizational environment.

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