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Difference between the RISC and CISC Processors

Difference between the RISC and CISC Processors



It is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

It is a Complex Instruction Set Computer.

It emphasizes on software to optimize the instruction set.

It emphasizes on hardware to optimize the instruction set.

It is a hard wired unit of programming in the RISC Processor.

Microprogramming unit in CISC Processor.

It requires multiple register sets to store the instruction.

It requires a single register set to store the instruction.

RISC has simple decoding of instruction.

CISC has complex decoding of instruction.

Uses of the pipeline are simple in RISC.

Uses of the pipeline are difficult in CISC.

It uses a limited number of instruction that requires less time to execute the instructions.

It uses a large number of instruction that requires more time to execute the instructions.

It uses LOAD and STORE that are independent instructions in the register-to-register a program's interaction.

It uses LOAD and STORE instruction in the memory-to-memory interaction of a program.

RISC has more transistors on memory registers.

CISC has transistors to store complex instructions.

The execution time of RISC is very short.

The execution time of CISC is longer.

RISC architecture can be used with high-end applications like telecommunication, image processing, video processing, etc.

CISC architecture can be used with low-end applications like home automation, security system, etc.

It has fixed format instruction.

It has variable format instruction.

The program written for RISC architecture needs to take more space in memory.

Program written for CISC architecture tends to take less space in memory.

Example of RISC: ARM, PA-RISC, Power Architecture, Alpha, AVR, ARC and the SPARC.

Examples of CISC: VAX, Motorola 68000 family, System/360, AMD and the Intel x86 CPUs.


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