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Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship

The Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship in India

Social entrepreneurs are characterized by the following key attributes:

Economic history is witness that ‘social entrepreneurship’ is a new term, but old concept. Yes, it has gained renewed currency in a world characterized by a growing divide between the haves and have-not’s. Given this heightened visibility, individuals have come forward to help the down-trodden and have-not’s of the society.


These are solution-minded pragmatists who are not afraid to tackle any big problem for the cause of poor people in the society. They have uncanny knack to recognize the tremendous potential the billions of poor people possess.


They are absolutely committed to helping them use their talents and abilities to harness their potential for their improvement and upliftment. For doing so, they use inspiration, creativity, courage, fortitude and, most importantly, direct action, to create a new happening and reality that results in enduring social benefits and a better future for society.


These individuals, or say, social entrepreneurs introduce solutions to seemingly intractable social problems for improving the lives of countless marginalized, disadvantaged and disenfranchised people who are weak and poor in financial means and political clouts.


Just as entrepreneurs change the face of business, social entrepreneurs act as the change agents for society. They seize opportunities which others miss and improve the existing equilibriums. They do so by inventing new approaches and creating sustainable solutions to change society for the better from status quo.

However, unlike business entrepreneurs who are generally motivated by profit earnings, social entrepreneurs are motivated to improve the social wellbeing. Nonetheless, social entrepreneurs are just as innovative and change oriented as their business counterparts, searching for new and better ways to solve the problems that plague the society.


Social entrepreneurs are characterized by the following key attributes:

(a) Ambitious:

Having high ambition is one of the major characteristics of the social entrepreneurs. They are the reformers and revolutionaries with a social mission. They are the ambitious people tackling major social issues and offering new ideas and solutions for wide-scale change.

Such entrepreneurs are found in all walks of life and all kinds of organizations: innovative non­profits, social purpose ventures such as for-profit community development banks, and hybrid organizations that mix elements of non-profit and for- profit organizations.


(b) Missionaries:

The life-histories of successful social entrepreneurs reveal that their mission, i.e. the ultimate purpose is not creating just wealth, but most importantly, generating as much as possible social value. Yes, wealth creation may be the part of effort, but is not an end in itself.


As a matter of fact, promoting systematic social change and creating desired impact is the real and ultimate purpose of social entrepreneurs. It is this mission that gives them strength, fortitude, and courage to tackle with major social issues seemingly intractable social problems.

Here the views of Bill Draton, CEO and founder of Ashoka, a global non-profit organization seem worth quoting. “Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.”


(c) Strategic:

Like the successful business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs also search and identify the major social issues what others miss. They use these as opportunities to improve the existing social systems, create solutions, and invent new approaches that create social value.


(d) Resourceful:

Social entrepreneurs function in a social framework, not within the business world. As such, they have limited resources because of their limited access to capital and traditional market support systems. Given such conditions, they need to be skilled enough to muster and mobilize human, financial, and political resources required to solve the social problems.


(e) Result Oriented:

Ultimately, social entrepreneurs are driven to produce measurable results to make perceptible dent on the society. These results change even transform the existing equilibriums, realities, and create new pathways for the benefits of the disadvantaged and downtrodden people of the society. They have the skill to unlock and harness the potential society has to effect social change.

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