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Schedule: The amount of time required to complete the work is directly proportional to the effort. It is measured in the unit of time, for example, months, and weeks. 

Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO):

The COCOMO model is based on LOC, i.e., the number of lines of code. This model can be classified into three categories: basic, intermediate, and detailed sub-models.

These are the essential parameter of COCOMO which is responsible for the quality of any software product:

Effort: The number of labor required to complete the work. It is measured in person-months units.

Schedule: The amount of time required to complete the work is directly proportional to the effort. It is measured in the unit of time, for example, months, and weeks. 

Various models of COCOMO have been introduced to predict cost estimates at different levels. All the models are applied to different projects according to the requirements. 

Software projects are classified into three categories:

  • Organic
  • Semi-detached
  • Embedded

Organic: In the organic type, the project deals with developing a well-understood application program; the team size is generally small. This category is for the small to medium size software product. In this type, team members have good experience and knowledge. 

Semi-detached: In the semi-detached type, the essential elements are team-size, experience, and knowledge of the multiple programming languages. The projects that come under the semi-detached are less familiar and hard to develop. It also requires better guidance, more experienced developers.


In the embedded type, a software project requires the highest level of complexity, creativity, and experience. In this category, the larger team size is needed as compared to the previous models. 

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