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Software Quality Frameworks

Software Quality Frameworks

Software Quality Framework is a model for software quality by connecting and integrating the different views of software quality. This is a framework that describes all the different concepts relating to quality in a common way measured by qualitative scale that can be understood and interpreted in a common way.

  1. Developer’s View:

 The primary concern for developers is in the design and engineering processes involved in producing software. Quality can be measured by the degree of conformance to predetermined requirements and standards, and deviations from these standards can lead to poor quality and low reliability. Uses validation and verification to improve the software.

  1. Customer’s/User’s View:

End-user programming, a phrase popularized by which is programming to achieve the result of a program primarily for personal, rather than public use. The important distinction here is that software itself is not primarily intended for use by a large number of users with varying needs.

  1. Product’s View:

Product quality can be measured by the value-based view which sees the quality as dependent on the amount a customer is willing to pay for it. According to the users, a high-quality product is one that satisfies their expectations and preferences while meeting their requirements. 

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