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Spiral Model

Spiral Model


The Spiral approach is a combination of the Iterative model with some controlled aspects of the Waterfall method. It focuses on releasing software constantly through iterations. The name stems from the spirals that the product typically goes through.

Methods involved are:

  1. Identification: The more detailed the software development life cycle documentation is, the easier it will be for your developers to build the product.
  2. Design:  Analyzing the whole development process in order to identify potential risks. When the risks are identified, you can start brainstorming risk-mitigation strategies.
  3. Build: At the end of this phase, the developers already have an “a-ready-to-deploy” piece of software. Once you roll it out, you can then collect feedback from the market and evolve.
  4. Evaluation: The whole product build goes through a couple of spirals until the final product is developed.

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