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Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance

Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance:

  • Functionality testing is performed to verify that a software application performs and functions correctly according to design specifications. During functionality testing we check the core application functions, text input, menu functions and installation and setup on localized machines, etc.
  • Functionality testing verifies that an application is still fully functional after localization. Even applications which are professionally internationalized according to world-readiness guidelines require functionality testing.


  • Solves the following questions about the software:
  • Are you able to login to a system after entering correct credentials?
  • Does your payment gateway prompt an error message when you enter an incorrect card number?
  • Does your “add a customer” screen add a customer to your records successfully?

TopDown and Bottom-Up  Testing  Strategies: 

Top Down Approach:

  • This testing technique deals with how higher-level modules are tested with lower-level modules until all the modules have been tested successfully.
  • In top-down incremental integration testing, we will add the modules incrementally or one by one and test the data flow in similar order
  • In the top-down method, we will also make sure that the module we are adding is the child of the previous one, like Child C, is a child of Child B.


Test cases can be defined in terms of the functionality of the system

No drivers needed.


Writing stubs is difficult,stubs must allow all possible conditions to be tested

Some interfaces are not tested separately.

Bottom Up Approach:

  • This type of testing method deals with how lower-level modules are tested with higher-level modules until all the modules have been tested successfully.
  • In bottom-up testing, the top-level critical modules are tested, at last. Hence it may cause a defect.
  • In simple words, we can say that we will be adding the modules from the bottom to the top and test the data flow in similar order

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