I/O Serialization :
- Serialization refers to the conversion of structured objects into byte streams for transmission over the network or permanent storage on a disk.
- Deserialization refers to the conversion of byte streams back to structured objects.
- Serialization is mainly used in two areas of distributed data processing :
- Interprocess communication
- Permanent storage
- We require I/O Serialization because :
- To process records faster (Time-bound).
- When proper data formats need to maintain and transmit over data without schema support on another end.
- When in the future, data without structure or format needs to process, complex Errors may occur.
- Serialization offers data validation over transmission.
- To maintain the proper format of data serialization, the system must have the following four properties -
- Compact - helps in the best use of network bandwidth
- Fast - reduces the performance overhead
- Extensible - can match new requirements
- Inter-operable - not language-specific