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Introduction and Web Development Strategies

Introduction and Web Development Strategies

  • Identify target user: Identify the user of the website by doing market research. 
  • Make our design portable : To be successful, website design should be portable and accessible across different browsers, operating systems, and computer platforms. Designers should test the website in a different environment whether they look same to all their users.
  • Design for low bandwidth : Web pages in websites should be accessible at any connection speeds. If a page is downloaded slowly then users will leave the website before they see the content.
  • Plan for clear presentation and easy access to information : Presentation of the information on the website must be clear and easily accessible to the user.
  • Create smooth transitions: Plan to create a unified look among the sections and pages of site. Reinforce the identifying elements of the site and create smooth transitions from one page to another.

Any software development project, a methodology should be followed to ensure project consistency and completeness.

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