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Protocols Governing Web

Protocols Governing Web

Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules that is used to communicate applications to

each other.


A protocol is the interface required for communicating the different applications.

Protocols which are a set of rules that help in governing the way a particular technology will function for communication. In other words, it can be said that the protocols are digital languages implemented in the form of networking algorithms. There are different networks and network protocols, user's use while surfing. 


  • HTTP: HTTP is the primary protocol used to distribute information on the web. This protocol is used to access,send and receive Hypertext markup language (HTML) files on the Internet. Initial HTTP 0.9 does not allow for content typing and does not have provisions for supplying meta -information Content Typing: To identify the type of data being transferred. 
    Meta Information: It is supplemental data, such as environment variables that identify the client’s computer Current version is HTTP 1.0
  • TCP/IP: It is a set of rules that an application can use to package its information for sending across the networks of networks. 
    TCP: This protocol ensure the delivery of information packets across network.
    IP: This protocol is responsible logical addressing called IP address to route information between network.
  • FTP: It is used to transfer the files over networks.
  • E-Mail: It is a method of exchanging digital messages across the Internet or other computer networks. 
  • Telnet: Telnet lets you remotely log into another system and browse files and directories on that remote system.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) : This protocol is used for transferring e-mail between computers.
  • Gopher: Gopher is a collection of rules implemented for searching, retrieving as well as displaying documents from isolated sites. Gopher also works on the client/server principle.

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