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Multilayer networks learned by the BACKPROPAGATION algorithm are capable of expressing a rich variety of nonlinear decision surfaces. 

Consider the example:

  • Here the speech recognition task involves distinguishing among 10 possible vowels, all spoken in the context of "h_d" (i.e., "hid," "had," "head," "hood," etc.).
  • The network input consists of two parameters, F1 and F2, obtained from a spectral analysis of the sound. The 10 network outputs correspond to the 10 possible vowel sounds. The network prediction is the output whose value is highest.
  • The plot on the right illustrates the highly nonlinear decision surface represented by the learned network. Points shown on the plot are test examples distinct from the examples used to train the network.


A Differentiable Threshold Unit (Sigmoid unit)

  • Sigmoid unit-a unit very much like a perceptron, but based on a smoothed, differentiable threshold function.
  • The sigmoid unit first computes a linear combination of its inputs, then applies a threshold to the result and the threshold output is a continuous function of its input.
  • More precisely, the sigmoid unit computes its output O as


σ is the sigmoid function

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