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Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study

When we are developing a system we know whether the proposed system will be feasible or not i.e. practically implementable or not? It may be possible that the proposed system may not be implementable due to many reasons like it may take longer in development than the specified time limit, cost may increase than proposed. 


“evaluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project or program.”

There may be several types of feasibility depending on the aspects they cover. Some of them are:

  1. Technical Feasibility 
  2. Operation Feasibility 
  3. Economical Feasibility 

Phases of Feasibility: 

Technical feasibility-The technical feasibility study basically centers on alternatives for hardware, software and design approach to determine the functional aspects of a system. The technical issues raised during feasibility are:

  1. Does the necessary technology exist?
  2. Does the proposed equipment have technical capacity to hold data?
  3. Can the system be expended, if developed?
  4. Are there technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability and security of data

Operational feasibility-Operational feasibility is a measure of how people are able to work with a system. This type of feasibility demands if the system will work when developed and installed. 

Economical Feasibility -Economic feasibility determines whether the required software is capable of generating financial gains for an organization. It involves the cost incurred on the software development team, estimated cost of hardware and software, cost of performing feasibility study, and so on.

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