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It is related to the various ways used to gain knowledge about the project domain and requirements. The various sources of domain knowledge include customers, business manuals, the existing software of the same type, standards and other stakeholders of the project.

The techniques used for requirements elicitation include interviews, brainstorming, task analysis, prototyping, etc.

  1. Analysis

Requirement analysis is a significant and essential activity after elicitation. We analyze, refine, and scrutinize the gathered requirements to make consistent and unambiguous requirements. This activity reviews all requirements and may provide a graphical view of the entire system. After the completion of the analysis, it is expected that the understandability of the project may improve significantly. 

  1. Documentation

Typically created in the beginning of a software development project. Has the goal to clearly and precisely specify the expectations in regards to the software being created. May include functional requirements, limitations, hardware or software requirements, compatibility requirements, and so on.

  1. Review and Management of User Needs

This is a process in which people from client & contractor organizations are both involved in checking the requirements for omission. Different parts of the document are checked by different people involved in this type of activity. Various activities performed during user needs review process are: 

  • Plan a review 
  • Review meeting  
  • Follow-up actions  
  • Checking for redundancy  
  • Completeness  
  • Consistency

Uses and Significance of Requirement Engineering:

The Requirement Engineering (RE) is the most important phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This phase is used to translate the imprecise, incomplete needs and wishes of the potential users of software into complete, precise and formal specifications.


The purpose of requirements engineering methodologies is to make the problem that is being stated clear and complete, and to ensure that the solution is correct, reasonable, and effective.

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