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Software Configuration Management Activities

Software Configuration Management Activities: 

It is the discipline of managing the evolution of complex software systems. It  provides the capabilities of identification, control, status accounting, audit and review, manufacture, process management and teamwork.

SCM is concerned with managing evolving systems

CM should always be based on a set of standards which are applied within an organization

Should define how: 

– items are identified 

– changes are controlled 

– versions are managed

Should be based on an evolutionary process model rather than something like the waterfall model.

Software Configuration Management Tasks :

1.Identification – tracking multiple versions to enable efficient changes 

Risk identification involves brainstorming activities. it also involves preparation of risk list. Brainstorming is a group discussion technique where all the stakeholders meet together. this technique produces new ideas and promote creative thinking.

Identifying the configuration items from products that compose baselines at given points in time (a baseline is a set of mutually consistent Configuration Items, which has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, and serves as the basis of further development). 

2.Version control – control changes before and after release to customer. Combines procedures and tools to manage the different versions of configuration objects created during the software process. A variant is a different set of objects at the same revision level and coexists with other variants

Software version control (SVC), also called revision control, source control management, and versioning control, is a management strategy to track and store changes to a software development document or set of files that follow the development project from beginning to end-of-life.

3.Change control – authority to approve and prioritize changes

Change management is the discipline that guides how we Prepare, Equip, Support individuals to successfully adopt change. In order to drive organizational success and outcomes.

A change request (CR) is submitted and evaluated to assess technical merit, potential side effects, overall impact on other configuration objects and system functions, and the projected cost of the change.

4.Configuration auditing – ensure changes made properly

A software configuration audit complements the formal technical review of the process and product. It focuses on the technical correctness of the configuration object that has been modified. 

5.Reporting – tell others about changes made

Providing accurate status and current configuration data to developers, tester, end users, customers and stakeholders through admin guides, user guides, FAQs, Release notes, Memos, Installation Guide, Configuration guide etc

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