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Test Data Suit Preparation

Test  Data  Suit  Preparation:

  • Test Data in Software Testing is the input given to a software program during test execution. It represents data that affects or is affected by software execution while testing. 
  • Test data is used for both positive testing to verify that functions produce expected results for given inputs and for negative testing to test software ability to handle unusual, exceptional or unexpected inputs
  • Valid test data. It is necessary to verify whether the system functions are in compliance with the requirements, and the system processes and stores the data as intended.
  • Invalid test data. QA engineers should inspect whether the software correctly processes invalid values, shows the relevant messages, and notifies the user that the data are improper.
  • Boundary test data. Help to reveal the defects connected with processing boundary values.
  • Wrong data. Testers have to check how the system reacts on entering the data of inappropriate format, whether it shows the correct error messages.
  • Absent data. It is a good practice to verify how the product handles entering a blank field in the course of software testing.
  • Test suite is a container that has a set of tests which helps testers in executing and reporting the test execution status. It can take any of the three states namely Active, Inprogress and completed.
  • A Test case can be added to multiple test suites and test plans. After creating a test plan, test suites are created which in turn can have any number of tests.
  • In software development, a test suite, less commonly known as a 'validation suite', is a collection of test cases that are intended to be used to test a software program to show that it has some specified set of behaviours.

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