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RER Module-1

1. Based on usability, Energy Resources are classified into _____
a) primary, secondary and tertiary resources
b) primary and secondary resources
c) primary, secondary, intermediate and tertiary resources
d) primary, intermediate and secondary resources

Answer: d

2. Which of the following is not a type of primary resource?
a) Crude Oil
b) Coal
c) Hydrogen Energy
d) Sunlight

Answer: c

3. The ratio of energy received from a raw energy source to energy spent to obtain the raw energy source is called as _____
a) consumption ratio
b) fuel ratio
c) energy yield ratio
d) joule ratio

Answer: c

4. Energy Resources which are being used for many decades are known as _____
a) conventional energy sources
b) non-conventional energy sources
c) primary energy sources
d) fuel cells

Answer: a

5. A new renewable energy system is designed to harvest energy from wind. The total energy required to build the system is 240 kJ. The energy yield ratio of the system is 14:3. The total energy provided by the system over its lifetime is _____
a) 18,000 kJ
b) 54,000 kJ
c) 1,120 kJ
d) 2,258 kJ

Answer: c

6. Which of the statements is correct about Solar Energy?
a) It is a renewable and conventional source of energy
b) It is a non-renewable and non-conventional source of energy
c) It is a renewable and non-conventional source of energy
d) It is a non-renewable source of energy

Answer: c

7. Wind and Hydrogen energy are examples of_________
a) primary sources
b) primary and secondary sources respectively
c) secondary sources
d) tertiary sources

Answer: b

8. On the basis of long-term availability, resources are classified into____
a) conventional and non-conventional resources
b) renewable and non-renewable resources
c) primary and secondary resources
d) commercial and non-commercial resources

Answer: b

9. Which of these Energy resources is/are widely used in industries?
a) Coal and Gasoline
b) Wood
c) Biogas
d) Crop Residue

Answer: a

10. Which of these resources does not produce CO2 during electricity generation?
a) Coal
b) Methane
c) Uranium
d) Biogas

Answer: c

11. On the basis of origin, energy resources are classified into natural and artificial resources.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

12. Which of these is the major contributor to world pollution?
a) Commercial resources
b) Non-Commercial Resources
c) Renewable Resources
d) Nuclear Energy

Answer: a

13. Half of the world’s energy needs are fulfilled by renewable energy sources.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

14. Which of the energy resources were considered for large scale use after the oil crisis of 1973?
a) Conventional Sources
b) Non-Conventional Sources
c) Non-renewable sources
d) Primary Sources

Answer: b

15. The unit of energy yield ratio is _____
a) joule
b) watt
c) joule/Kelvin
d) dimensionless

Answer: d

16. World Energy Needs are rising due to _________
a) deforestation
b) increasing population and Industrialization
c) inflation
d) natural calamities

Answer: b

17. Which of the following is a disadvantage of Hydro Power?
a) They cause deforestation and affect wildlife
b) They cause harmful emissions
c) They are an unstable source of energy
d) They are not suitable for long-distance electricity transmission

Answer: a

18. Which of the following statement is true about conventional energy sources?
a) They cause minimum pollution
b) They are available in limited quantity
c) Coal is the most used conventional energy source in the world
d) There are sufficient reserves of Coal, Petroleum and Natural gas for the next 300 years

Answer: b

19. All of the conventional energy sources are Non-Renewable.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

20. To focus on Renewable and Other alternative sources of energy, ______ was established in March 1981 by the Government of India.
a) commission for additional sources of energy
b) commission for alternative sources of energy
c) council of scientific & industrial research
d) centre for science and environment

Answer: a

21. IREDA was developed by the Government of India _______
a) to implement more efficient methods for using Conventional Energy sources
b) to promote the Development of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
c) to develop Nuclear Energy in India
d) to control pollution

Answer: b

22. Apart from supplying energy, fossil fuels are used for_________
a) storing energy in solar ponds
b) drying Vegetables
c) rotating turbine in Hydro Power plants
d) manufacture of Organic Chemicals

Answer: d

23. The only country having a full-fledged ministry for Development of New and Renewable Resources is _____
a) India
b) Bangladesh
c) USA
d) China

Answer: a

24. CASE was established after the Oil Crisis of 1973.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

25. Which of the following schemes was launched by MNRE?

Answer: c

26. Conventional Energy Sources are cheaper than Non-Conventional Sources.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

27. Which of the following pollutants are emitted by the burning of fossil fuel?
a) Oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulphur
b) Oxides of Carbon, Uranium, and Radium
c) Calcium Halides and Oxides of Nitrogen
d) Noble Gases

Answer: a

28. _____ is a petrochemical and is used as raw material for chemical, pharmaceutical, and paint industry.
a) Plutonium
b) Uranium
c) Coal
d) Protactinium

Answer: c

29. Which of the following statements is not true about radioactive waste?
a) It has radioactivity quotient of dangerous levels.
b) The disposed radioactive waste is to be guarded for a long period
c) It has low radioactivity quotient
d) Its radioactivity decreases with time

Answer: c

30. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of Hydro Power?
a) A large land area submerges into the water leading to deforestation
b) It causes dislocation of a large population and rehabilitation
c) It causes ecological disturbances like earthquake
d) It causes calamities like landslides

Answer: d

31. Sweden banned _______ in 1984.
a) pesticides
b) new nuclear power plants
c) biogas plants
d) mining of fossil fuels

Answer: b

32. Which Oxides of Nitrogen are generated by burning of fossil fuel?
a) NO and NO2
b) NO2, NO3, and N2O5
c) N2O5 and N2O3
d) NO3 and N2O5

Answer: a

33. 3 percentage of the total greenhouse gas emissions are due to Hydropower plants.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

34. Which Uranium isotope is used in nuclear power plants?
a) U-235
b) U-234
c) U-215
d) U-218

Answer: a

35. Based on the following statements, choose the correct option.
Statement I: The technology for harnessing fossil fuels is well developed.
Statement II: Fossil fuels are a cheap source of energy.
a) Statement -I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is the correct explanation of Statement -I
b) Statement-I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is not the correct explanation of Statement-II
c) Statement -I is true and Statement -II is false
d) Statement -I is false and Statement -II is true

Answer: b

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