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RER Module-2

1. What is solar radiation?
a) Energy radiated from the sun in all directions
b) Energy radiated from earth in all directions
c) Radiation travelling in space
d) Energy radiated from sun that travels in ether

Answer: a

2. What are three relevant bands of solar radiation?
a) UV, infrared and far infrared
b) UV, visible and infrared
c) Ultrasonic, infrared and visible
d) UV, ultrasonic and near infrared

Answer: b

3. Which two bands of solar radiation are majority in the total solar radiation reaching earth?
a) UV and visible
b) Visible and ultrasonic
c) Visible and infrared
d) Infrared and UV

Answer: c

4. Which of the following affects the amount of solar radiation received by a location or water body?
a) Shape of the water body
b) Time at night
c) Rotational speed of earth
d) Altitude and latitude

Answer: d

5. What is direct solar radiation?
a) Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface from sun
b) Cosmic radiation directly received by earth’s surface
c) Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after reflection
d) Cosmic radiation received by earth’s surface after reflection

Answer: a

6. What is indirect solar radiation?
a) Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface from sun
b) Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering
c) Cosmic radiation directly received by earth’s surface
d) Cosmic radiation received by earth’s surface after reflection

Answer: b

7. What type of radiation does earth emit?
a) UV
b) Visible
c) Infrared
d) Longitudinal

Answer: c

8. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
a) Radiation spectrum consisting only of UV and visible rays
b) All rays falling in the category of infrared and UV rays
c) All rays falling in the category of gamma and x-rays
d) Radiation spectrum encompassing all types of radiation

Answer: d

9. Which of the following type of UV radiation inhibits photosynthetic reaction in phytoplankton?
a) UV-A
b) UV-C
c) Infrared
d) Gamma rays

Answer: a

10. Which of the following is responsible for thermal energy?
a) UV
b) Infrared
c) Gamma
d) UV-A

Answer: b

11. How do infrared radiation cause heat?
a) By exciting neutrons of the substance that absorb them
b) By de-exciting electrons of the substance that absorb them
c) By exciting electrons of the substance that absorb them
d) By exciting protons of the substance that absorb them

Answer: c

12. Why are surfaces of water bodies warmer than the depths?
a) Because water does not absorb UV radiation
b) Because water does not absorb thermal radiation
c) Because water absorbs visible radiation
d) Because water absorbs thermal radiation

Answer: d

13. What is photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)?
a) Radiation best suited for photosynthesis
b) All radiation in which photosynthesis occurs
c) Radiation in which photosynthesis does not occur
d) Radiation which deactivates the ongoing photosynthesis

Answer: a

14. UV-A, UV-B and UV-C are three wavelength ranges of ultraviolet radiation.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

15. Energy of the wavelength increases with frequency and decreases with the size of wavelength.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

16. What would happen if the sun’s radiation reaches the earth’s surface without depletion?
a) Life would cease to exist
b) Life would be more vibrant
c) The earth’s average global temperature would become stable
d) The average global temperature of earth would decrease

Answer: a

17. Which of the following plays a role in depletion of incoming solar radiation?
a) Irradiance of the incoming solar radiation
b) Dispersion
c) Solar flares
d) Nuclear fusion in sun

Answer: b

18. What is the inclination of earth’s axis in degrees?
a) 37
b) 53
c) 23.5
d) 10

Answer: c

19. How does the inclination of earth’s axis affect the incoming solar radiation?
a) All the solar radiation is concentrated around the equator
b) The radiation is distributed along the entire equator
c) All radiation is concentrated at the poles
d) Solar radiation is non-uniformly distributed throughout the earth’s surface

Answer: d

20. What happens to those sun rays which are not perpendicular to earth’s surface?
a) Energy of the solar radiation is spread over a greater area
b) Energy of the solar radiation is concentrated on a single spot at the poles
c) Energy of the solar radiation is uniformly distributed along the Tropic of Cancer
d) Energy of the solar radiation depends on the position of prime meridian

Answer: a

21. When solar radiation is dispersed over a greater area, what happens to the net temperature?
a) The net temperature increases
b) The net temperature decreases
c) The net temperature is not affected
d) The net temperature monotonically increases forever

Answer: b

22. Which of the following latitudes is significantly affected due to dispersion of insolation with seasons?
a) All latitudes are equally affected
b) Temperate zones are significantly affected
c) Polar areas
d) Tropical areas are significantly affected

Answer: c

23. What is scattering?
a) Spreading of solar radiation over large areas
b) Absorption of solar radiation by gaseous molecules
c) Absorption of outgoing long-wave radiation and re-emitting it back to the earth
d) Deflection of some wavelengths in all directions when passed through air

Answer: d

24. When the solar radiation is scatted by suspended particles in air, they act ______ and produce different colours.
a) like a prism
b) like a rock
c) like a mirror
d) like a solar concentrator

Answer: a

25. Red sun during sunrise and sunset is an example of ________
a) diffraction
b) scattering
c) interference
d) absorption

Answer: b

26. What is reflection?
a) Bouncing back some portion of the incident radiation into another medium
b) Slowing down of light on entering another medium
c) Bouncing back some portion of the incident radiation into the same medium from which it came
d) Absorption by particles and re-emission of radiation of different frequencies

Answer: c

27. Which among the following is the best reflector?
a) Rock
b) Aluminum
c) Iron
d) Snow

Answer: d

28. Which of the following types of clouds has the highest albedo?
a) Stratocumulus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cirrus
d) Cirrocumulus

Answer: a

29. Earth reflects about 36% of the incoming radiation.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

30. About quarter of the incoming solar radiation is scattered.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

31. What are the two basic ways to measure solar radiation?
a) Ground-based instrumentation and satellite measurement
b) Telephonic measurement and mobile tower measurement
c) Anemometer and voltmeter
d) Ammeter and voltmeter

Answer: a

32. What is does an actinometer measure?
a) Wind speed
b) Intensity of radiation
c) Wind direction
d) Direction of radiation

Answer: b

33. Actinometer is primarily used to measure ______ and ______
a) infrared and ultraviolet
b) visible and infrared
c) visible and ultraviolet
d) infrared and UV-A

Answer: c

34. How does actinometer work?
a) By determining the number of electrons in a beam integrally
b) By determining the number of protons in a beam differentially
c) By determining the direction of photons
d) By determining the number of photons integrally

Answer: d

35. As a system, actinometer is a _____ or _______
a) chemical system or physical device
b) chemical system or thermal device
c) thermal device or mechanical device
d) thermo-mechanical system or physical device

Answer: a

36. Which of the following categories does a pyranometer belong to?
a) Voltmeters
b) Actinometers
c) Hall sensors
d) Amplifiers

Answer: b

37. Global and diffuse solar radiation can be measured by ________
a) thermal actinometer
b) heat pumps
c) thermoelectric pyranometers
d) oscilloscopes

Answer: c

38. To perform irradiance measurement, which of the following is necessary?
a) Beam response varies with sine of the angle of incidence
b) Beam response varies linearly with angle of incidence
c) Beam response is constant with varying angle of incidence
d) Beam response varies with cosine of the angle of incidence

Answer: d

39. Why should the beam response vary with cosine of the angle of incidence?
a) To account for perpendicular and parallel rays
b) Because cosine is the simplest mathematical function
c) To account for inclination of earth’s axis
d) Because of non-uniform dispersion of solar radiation

Answer: a

40. Which of the following best describes the working of thermoelectric pyranometer?
a) Solar radiation → thermal e.m.f measured → thin black surface → rise in temperature until equilibrium
b) Solar radiation → thin black surface → rise in temperature until equilibrium → thermal e.m.f measured
c) Thin black surface → solar radiation → rise in temperature until equilibrium → thermal e.m.f measured
d) Solar radiation → rise in temperature until equilibrium → thin black surface → thermal e.m.f measured

Answer: b

41. Which of the following is generally used to measure direct solar radiation?
a) Pyranometer
b) Actinometer
c) Pyrheliometer
d) IC tester

Answer: c

42. What technologies are used in pyranometers?
a) Silicon semiconductor technology and routing technology
b) Thermopile technology and doping
c) Doping and routing technology
d) Silicon semiconductor technology and thermopile technology

Answer: d

43. __________ is a physical device that can be correlated to the number of photons detected.
a) Photodiode
b) LEDs
c) CFLs
d) CFCs

Answer: a

44. Light sensitivity is known as spectral response.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

45. Pyranometer has a non-directional response.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

46. What is solar time?
a) Calculation of passage of time based on sun’s position in sky
b) Calculation of passage of time based on moon’s position in sky
c) A unit that measures astronomical time
d) A reference unit for time

Answer: a

47. What is the fundamental unit of solar time?
a) Seconds
b) Day
c) Hour
d) Meter

Answer: b

48. What are the two types of solar time?
a) Fundamental solar and multi-solar time
b) Apparent and diurnal solar time
c) Apparent solar time and mean solar time
d) Mean solar time and single-solar time

Answer: c

49. What is apparent time also known as?
a) Clock time
b) Revolution time
c) Lunar time
d) Sundial time

Answer: d

50. Which of the following is the simplest sundial?
a) A tall pole casting a shadow whose length and position varies with sun’s position
b) A tall pole
c) A tall pole casting a shadow that varies with moon’s position
d) A stone slab

Answer: a

51. What is mean solar time also known as?
a) Rotation time
b) Clock time
c) Lunar time
d) Sundial time

Answer: b

52. Solar time is _____ clock time in December and ____ clock time in September.
a) same as, same as
b) less, more
c) more, less
d) more, same as

Answer: c

53. Why is does the solar time vary in September and December?
a) Because of earth-moon distance
b) Because of earth-moon gravitational force
c) Because of eccentricity of sun-moon orbit
d) Because of eccentricity of earth-sun orbit

Answer: d

54. The clock running at a constant (say, a pendulum clock) rate _____
a) cannot follow the sun
b) always follows the sun
c) follows the sun randomly
d) follows the moon

Answer: a

55. What does a clock running at a constant rate follow?
a) Moon
b) Imaginary mean sun
c) Actual sun
d) Real mean sun

Answer: b

56. What is apparent solar day?
a) Interval between sunrise and sunset of a normal day
b) Interval between two successive returns of sun on equator
c) Interval between two successive returns of sun on local meridian
d) Imaginary solar day

Answer: c

57. Which of the following describes the elliptical nature of earth’s orbit?
a) Apparent solar time
b) Sundial
c) Maxwell’s laws
d) Kepler’s laws

Answer: d

58. The hour angle of the mean sun plus 12 hours is _______
a) mean solar time
b) angled solar time
c) offset solar time
d) apparent solar time

Answer: a

59. Solar time is 21 seconds less than clock time in September and 29 seconds more than clock time in December.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

60. The inclination of earth’s axis also contributes towards variation in solar time.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

61. What is the relationship between insolation and cloud cover in sky?
a) Inverse
b) Directly proportional
c) Square
d) Exponential

Answer: a

62. Which of the following is a reason for inverse relationship between insolation and cloud cover in sky?
a) Sunshine duration records are caused by sun being obstructed by transparent cloud cover
b) Sunshine duration records are caused by sun being obstructed by opaque cloud cover
c) Sunshine duration records are caused by sunshine being transmitted through opaque cloud cover
d) Sunshine duration records are caused by sun being obstructed by cloud cover

Answer: b

63. Which does Angstrom-Savinov formula tell?
a) Relationship between local solar radiation and global cloudiness
b) Relationship between local solar radiation and local cloudiness
c) Relationship between global solar radiation and mean cloudiness
d) Relationship between global solar radiation and global cloudiness

Answer: c

64. What does the constant “k” signify in the Angstrom-Savinov formula?
a) Global solar radiation
b) Mean cloudiness
c) Reflection of solar radiation within clouds
d) Transmission of solar radiation within clouds

Answer: d

65. The constant “k” in Angstrom-Savinov formula depends on ________
a) latitude of the location
b) longitude of the location
c) solar radiation
d) cloud opacity

Answer: a

66. How does the constant “k” in Angstrom-Savinov vary in high and low latitudes?
a) Between 0.55 in high latitudes and 0.22 in low latitudes
b) Between 0.55 in high latitudes and 0.33 in low latitudes
c) Between 0.33 in high latitudes and 0.55 in low latitudes
d) Between 0 in high latitudes and 0.9 in low latitudes

Answer: b

67. Which of the following models uses linear regression to estimate solar radiation from sunshine duration?
a) Angstrom-Savinov
b) Ertekin and Yladtz
c) Anstrom-Prescott
d) Sen

Answer: c

68. Akinoglu and Fcevit uses a _______ to estimate solar radiation.
a) linear model
b) power model
c) exponential model
d) quadratic model

Answer: d

69. How is an empirical model developed?
a) From data acquired via sensors or measuring instruments
b) From theoretical analysis
c) From deep learning
d) From trial and error

Answer: a

70. What does the ratio of global solar radiation (H) and estimated daily global radiation for cloudless sky (H0) indicate?
a) Solar radiation transmission ratio
b) Clearness index
c) Solar radiation reflection percentage
d) Turbidity

Answer: b

71. Which of the following is important during data acquisition from measuring instruments? Assume that details about data to be collected is known.
a) Type of data
b) Materials used to manufacture measuring instruments
c) Location, environment and characteristics of measuring instrument
d) Brand of measuring instruments

Answer: c

72. Which of the following statistical indicator is used to evaluate any type of model?
a) mean
b) median
c) error
d) root mean square error

Answer: d

73. Why do ground-based observers overestimate overcast cloud cover?
a) Clouds appear to fill large area of sky when near horizon
b) Clouds appear to fill large area of sky when far from horizon
c) Clouds appear to fill small area of sky when near horizon
d) Clouds appear to fill small area of sky when far from horizon

Answer: a

74. Reduction of error between simulated values and the true values increases accuracy of the empirical model.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

75. Cloud cover estimation is free from error.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

76. Hourly radiation values can be used to evaluate the performance of ________
a) flat plate collectors
b) curved collectors
c) parabolic collectors
d) metallic collectors

Answer: a

77. Why are global and diffuse radiation values not measured?
a) Because of sophisticated measuring instruments
b) Because measuring instruments are not available everywhere
c) Because of unavailability of skilled labour to operate measuring instruments
d) Because measuring instruments are not available everywhere

Answer: b

78. Which of the following is generally used to compute global and diffuse radiation values?
a) Parabolic dish
b) Flat plate collector
c) Theoretical models
d) Pyranometer

Answer: c

79. Which of the following can be used to estimate beam radiation?
a) Photoelectric effect
b) Solar insolation constant
c) Time taken by sun’s rays to reach earth
d) Zenith angle and altitude

80. What is zenith angle?
a) Angle between sun and vertical
b) Angle between the line joining the location on earth’s surface and the equatorial plane
c) Angle between extended sun’s rays to earth’s center and equatorial plane
d) Angle between projection of sun’s rays on horizontal surface and equatorial plane

Answer: a

81. Which of the following is not used to calculate hourly radiation?
a) Sun’s declination angle
b) Material of parabolic dish
c) Solar constant
d) Hour angle

Answer: b

82. Solar radiation on a horizontal surface is the summation of _______
a) direct and active solar radiation
b) active and diffuse solar radiation
c) diffuse and direct solar radiation
d) electrons and photons

Answer: c

83. What are the two models used to determine diffuse radiation?
a) Rayleigh scattering and Hybrid pi model
b) Parametric model and Rayleigh scattering
c) Decomposition model and Hybrid pi model
d) Parametric and decomposition models

Answer: d

84. Which of the following is required as a parameter in a parametric model?
a) Cloud cover
b) Solar insolation constant
c) Material of measuring instrument
d) Type of measuring instrument

Answer: a

85. Which of the following is an example of parametric model used to compute diffuse radiation?
a) Chandrasekaran and Kumar’s model
b) ASHRAE model
c) Erb’s model
d) T-model

Answer: b

86. How do decomposition models compute diffuse solar radiation?
a) From specific information of environmental conditions
b) From measuring instruments
c) From global solar radiation data
d) From ASHRAE model

Answer: c

87. Decomposition models are based on correlation between ____________
a) global solar radiation and active radiation
b) diffuse and UV radiation on vertical surface
c) diffuse and total radiation on inclined surface
d) diffuse and total radiation on horizontal surface

Answer: d

88. Which of the following does the correlation of decomposition models (between diffuse and total radiation on horizontal surface) depend on?
a) Hourly clearness index ratio
b) Daily clearness index ratio
c) Hourly global horizontal radiation
d) Yearly extraterrestrial radiation

Answer: a

89. The clearness index is a measure of atmospheric effects in an isolated place.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

90. Nijegorodov’s model revised the constants of ASHRAE’s model.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

91. What is a solar collector?
a) A system to collect heat by absorbing sunlight
b) A system to collect rainwater using sunlight
c) A system to collect electricity by using sunlight
d) A device to reflect sunlight back

Answer: a

92. What is aperture area in a solar collector?
a) Area of the system
b) Area in the receiver that receives the solar radiation
c) Area occupied by the system after installation
d) Cross-sectional area of the receiver

Answer: b

93. Aperture area of a solar collector is roughly equal to _______
a) Coolant area
b) Generator area
c) Absorber area
d) System area

Answer: c

94. What are the components of a flat plate collector?
a) Flat box, a plate with reflective coating and fluid circulation passageways, an opaque cover, a circulating fluid
b) Flat box, a dark coloured plate with fluid circulation passageways, an opaque, a circulating fluid
c) Flat box, a dark coloured plate with fluid circulation passageways, a transparent cover
d) Flat box, a dark coloured plate fluid circulation passageways, a transparent cover, a circulating fluid

Answer: d

95. Why is a transparent cover used in a flat plate collector?
a) To maximize transmission of the incident sunlight into the box
b) To minimize transmission of the incident sunlight into the box
c) To entirely reflect the incident sunlight back
d) To ensure partial transmission of the incident sunlight into the box

Answer: a

96. Which of the following is generally used as circulating fluid in tropical and sub-tropical climates?
a) A mixture of ethylene glycol and water
b) Water
c) A mixture of propylene glycol and water
d) Glycerol

Answer: b

97. Which of the following is generally used as circulating fluid in freezing climates?
a) Liquid carbon dioxide
b) Water
c) A mixture of propylene glycol and water
d) Liquid nitrogen

Answer: c

98. Why are antifreeze solutions (antifreeze agents with water) used as coolants in freezing climates?
a) To increase boiling point of water
b) To decrease boiling point of water
c) To increase freezing point of water
d) To decrease freezing point water

Answer: d

99. Adding antifreeze agents to water _________
a) increases its durability as coolant
b) decreases its durability as coolant
c) turns water into a coolant
d) prevents water from acting as a coolant

Answer: a

100. Which of the following is a circulating fluid in evacuated flat-plate solar collectors?
a) Water
b) Steam
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen

Answer: b

101. Evacuated flat-plate solar collectors are a type of _______
a) concentrating collectors
b) photovoltaic technology
c) non-concentrating collectors
d) solar stills

Answer: c

102. Which of the following are used as absorbers in evacuated-tube solar collectors?
a) Carbon tubes
b) Wooden or metallic tubes
c) Plastic or glass tubes
d) Metallic or glass tubes

Answer: d

103. What is a heat pipe?
a) A heat-transfer device
b) A pipe made of heat
c) A pipe that consists of heat
d) A heat pumping device

Answer: a

104. For better efficiency, solar collectors do not coat their transparent cover with an anti-reflective coating.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b

105. Evacuated tube solar collectors use a glass tube to surround absorber with high vacuum.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

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