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Capital Requirements of a Project

 Capital Requirements of a Project:

It is essential to estimate the working capital requirements of a project to ensure smooth project implementation. In India Working capital finance for projects is provided according to the lending norms of the tandon committee. 


The working capital requirements of a project consists of –

  • Raw materials and Components
  • Stock of Work in Progress
  • Stock of Finished Goods
  • Debtors
  • Operating Expenses


Sources of Working Capital Finance for a project  –

·         Working capital Advances provided by commercial Banks

·         Trade Credit

·         Accruals and Provisions

·         Long term sources of Finance


Limitations of Obtaining Working Capital Finance –

  • The maximum permitted bank finance is computed on the basis of norms laid down by the Tandon Committee in its Lending Norms.
  • A firm has to also provide certain margin money against its current assets in order to obtain working capital finance.
  • Maximum permissible bank finance can be computed by the following –


Current assets (75%) as per norms of Tendon committee                                                  Non-Bank current liabilities i.e. Trade Creditors and provisions.

*25% of the current assets must be supported by long term finance

  • The margin requirements vary with the type of current asset –

o   The margin money for Raw Material – 10% – 25% of cost of raw materials

o   The margin money for Work In Progress – 20% – 40%

o   The margin money for Finished Goods – 30% – 50%

o   The margin money for Debtors – 30% – 50%

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