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A More Compact Representation for Version Spaces


The version space is represented by its most general and least general members. These members form general and specific boundary sets that delimit the version space within the partially ordered hypothesis space.


Definition: The general boundary G, with respect to hypothesis space H and training data D, is the set of maximally general members of H consistent with D

 G º{g ÃŽ H | Consistent (g, D)Ù(Ø$g' ÃŽ H)[(g'  >g g) Ù Consistent(g', D)]}

 Definition: The specific boundary S, with respect to hypothesis space H and training data D,

is the set of minimally general (i.e., maximally specific) members of H consistent with D.


S º{s Î H | Consistent (s, D)Ù(Ø$s' Î H)[(s >gs') Ù Consistent(s', D)]}

Theorem: Version Space representation theorem

Theorem: Let X be an arbitrary set of instances and Let H be a set of Boolean-valued hypotheses defined over X. Let c: X →{O, 1} be an arbitrary target concept defined over X, and let D be an arbitrary set of training examples {(x, c(x))). For all X, H, c, and D such that S and G are well defined,

V SH, D   ={ h ÃŽ H | ($s ÃŽ S ) ($g ÃŽ G ) ( g ³gh ³ gs )}

To Prove:

1.  Every h satisfying the right hand side of the above expression is in V SH, D

2.  Every member of V SH, D satisfies the right-hand side of the expression

Sketch of proof:

  1. let g, h, s be arbitrary members of G, H, S respectively with g ³g h ³g s
  • By the definition of S, s must be satisfied by all positive examples in D. Because h ³g s, h must also be satisfied by all positive examples in D.
  • By the definition of G, g cannot be satisfied by any negative example in D, and because g ³g h, h cannot be satisfied by any negative example in D. Because h is satisfied by all positive examples in D and by no negative examples in D, h is consistent with D, and therefore h is a member of VSH,D.
    2. It can be proven by assuming some h in VSH,D,that does not satisfy the right-hand side of         the expression, then showing that this leads to an inconsistency

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